EPA releases $290 million plan to clean up 120 acres of contamination

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Seattle's East Waterway, which is one part of the Harbor Island Superfund site, is contaminated with PCBs that pose a risk to people who consume local fish or shellfish. To tackle the pollution, the EPA has established this $290 million plan to clean up the East Waterway. 

Colorado Superfund site still secure, EPA Says

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Despite setbacks related to the company responsible for cleanup of the former uranium mill site, which was declared a Superfund site back in 1984, state and federal representatives say that the area is secure and being maintained. Still, the reassurance isn't enough for some. 

$8 million settlement reached to clean up Superfund site near Moundsville, West Virginia

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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) have reached a settlement with Honeywell International Inc. and Olin Corporation. The companies will pay for cleanup costs at the Hanlin-Allied-Olin Superfund Site, located near Moundsville, West Virginia, which is contaminated with mercury. 

EPA to expand Jasper County Superfund site

Read more at News Talk

The expansion of the Oronogo-Duenweg Mining Belt National Priorities List Superfund site will include all of Jasper County, and will allow the EPA to conduct long-term cleanup efforts to help residents and the environment. 

Yale Superfund research center is looking for volunteers

Read more at River Head Local

The research center is looking for participants on Long Island, which is where a cancer-causing chemical has been detected in both private wells and public water supply systems.

Smurfit-Stone Superfund site toxins to be studied

Read more at MTPR

Democratic Rep. Jonathan Karlen is sponsoring a resolution that requires lawmakers to study the site of the former Smurfit-Stone pulp mill, located near Missoula, Montana. His proposal, which has cleared the House of Representatives, still needs to be approved by Senate.