RemTEC Summit

Scott Shock

Scott Shock


Mr. Shock has over 28 years of experience in contaminant source evaluation and analysis of chemical transport and fate in environmental media including air, surface water, stormwater, sediment, soil, and groundwater. He is experienced with alternatives analysis, design, costing, implementation, monitoring, and optimization of treatment and remediation systems. Mr. Shock is experienced with failure analysis, evaluation of the appropriateness of past and prospective future response actions and costs, and evaluation and quantification of environmental liabilities. He employs a variety of cost-benefit, economic, and uncertainty analysis methods to support clients in reaching rigorous and defensible environmental management decisions.

PFAS Stormwater Management and Groundwater Protection: A Case Study and Implications for Secondary Sources of PFAS to Air

PFAS have been widely used in manufacturing. Many manufacturing applications have the potential to result in airborne emissions and aerial deposition of PFAS, leading to residual contamination on facility equipment, structures, surrounding ground surfaces, and soils. In addition to the potential need for remedial action to address resulting soil and groundwater contamination, stormwater management and treatment may be necessary to protect surface water and groundwater receptors such as surface water intakes or supply wells for drinking water. A case study will be presented involving a fluoropolymer surface coating facility where investigation, source evaluation, transport and fate analysis, pilot testing, and development of stormwater PFAS mitigation measures were implemented to protect a public groundwater supply well. The implications of this case example will be explored for the large numbers of industrial classes and locations where secondary sources of PFAS were used in a way that has the potential for air emissions and stormwater concerns.